The agriculture and food sectors in the European Union (EU) are fundamental to the region’s economy, contributing approximately 6% of the EU’s GDP and employing over 20 million people. These sectors are crucial in ensuring food security, supporting rural livelihoods, and maintaining economic stability across the EU. However, they also contribute to environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss, water depletion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Agriculture is responsible for around 10% of the EU’s total greenhouse gas emissions and is a leading cause of land degradation and water pollution. As Europe confronts the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss, it is essential for the agriculture and food sectors to undergo a transformative shift toward more sustainable practices.

In response to these challenges, the Agriculture and Food Council, powered by the SIERA Alliance under the EUTECH Ecosystem, has been established to guide and support the industry’s transition. This initiative aligns with broader EU goals such as the European Green Deal, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which demands greater transparency and accountability in corporate sustainability practices. The Council emphasizes the importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) criteria, which are becoming increasingly relevant for businesses as investors and stakeholders prioritize sustainability.

The Council’s formation is driven by the urgent need to address the environmental impact of agriculture and food production while ensuring that the sector can sustainably meet future demands. This involves reducing the industry’s carbon footprint, improving resource efficiency, protecting ecosystems, and adopting climate-resilient practices. The Council serves as a platform for collaboration among industry leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders to devise solutions that will drive the transformation toward a more sustainable and resilient agricultural and food system.

Since its inception, the Agriculture and Food Council has been at the forefront of several initiatives promoting sustainable practices within the industry, closely aligning with the EU Green Deal and CSRD. Recent activities include webinars and sector papers that explore the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), from ESRS E1, which focuses on climate change mitigation, to ESRS E4, which addresses biodiversity and ecosystems. These discussions were central to recent board meetings, where experts shared insights on aligning agricultural practices with the goals of the EU Green Deal and CSRD. These webinars have been instrumental in examining key sustainability issues, underlining the importance of ESG criteria as a framework to guide the sector’s transformation.

By focusing on ESRS standards, the Council highlights the need for the agriculture and food sectors not only to reduce environmental impacts through sustainable land management and biodiversity-friendly farming practices but also to uphold rigorous governance standards that ensure ethical practices throughout the industry. Insights gained from these discussions are crucial for helping the sector meet the ambitious targets set by the EU Green Deal, reinforcing the Council’s mission to drive meaningful change and ensure a sustainable and resilient future for Europe.

One of the Council’s most significant recent initiatives was a series of webinars in the third quarter of this year, bringing together industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss advancements in sustainable agriculture. A notable event was the September webinar, which focused on ESRS E4 under the theme “Securing Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes.” This event drew a broad and diverse audience, emphasizing the importance of integrating biodiversity conservation into agricultural practices. Discussions covered challenges such as biodiversity loss, soil degradation, and the impact of climate change on food production, as well as the complexities of implementing sustainable practices on a large scale.

The Council provided comprehensive recommendations to address these challenges, including promoting agroecology, enhancing soil restoration efforts, improving water management, and fostering biodiversity through regenerative farming. Transparency in sustainability reporting and alignment with ESRS standards were emphasized to ensure that the sector meets the expectations set by the CSRD. These solutions, ranging from climate resilience and sustainable water use to reducing harmful pesticides and fertilizers, aim to tackle environmental and governance challenges, ensuring the agriculture sector meets and exceeds the sustainability goals outlined by the EU Green Deal.

The discussion also highlighted the importance of leveraging digital tools for precision farming, developing corporate policies to support sustainable transitions, engaging communities to promote local biodiversity efforts, and managing labor to ensure sustainability throughout the workforce. These strategies, when effectively implemented, will help secure the long-term success of agricultural operations while enhancing the sector’s contribution to ecosystem preservation. By encouraging transparent and fair practices across the food production chain, the Council promotes sustainability from farm to table.

The Agriculture and Food Council’s work has not only paved the way for future discussions but also established a solid foundation for continued progress in the months ahead. A central aspect of the Council’s roadmap is a series of strategic initiatives designed to advance the industry’s sustainability goals and align with the EU’s broader environmental and governance frameworks. Each webinar is followed by sector papers focusing on one of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) principles discussed during the session, covering topics from climate change mitigation to biodiversity conservation. These papers will contribute to the Agriculture and Food Council’s comprehensive White Paper, synthesizing insights from the 10 ESRS-focused papers.

The White Paper will serve as a valuable resource for industry stakeholders and a precursor to the EUTECH Position Paper. This Position Paper will articulate the Council’s official stance on key sustainability issues and outline actionable recommendations for aligning the agriculture and food sectors with the ambitious goals of the EU Green Deal and CSRD. Through these efforts, the Agriculture and Food Council is set to play a pivotal role in guiding the sector toward a sustainable and ethically responsible future.

As the Agriculture and Food Council looks to the future, it remains focused on addressing some of the EU agricultural sector’s most pressing challenges. The threat of biodiversity loss and climate change continues to loom large, posing significant risks to food production systems. The Council’s role in fostering sustainable growth and innovation is critical in this context. By promoting initiatives that meet regulatory demands while encouraging eco-friendly practices, the Council is helping unlock new opportunities for the industry.

Recent trends highlight the potential for growth, particularly in southern Europe, where sustainable farming practices have been widely adopted. Countries like Spain and Italy have successfully implemented precision agriculture and agroecology, boosting productivity while minimizing environmental impacts. These shifts demonstrate the agriculture sector’s capacity for expansion when aligned with sustainable methods and supported by strategic policy frameworks.

The Agriculture and Food Council is leading efforts to shape policies that encourage innovation, improve efficiency, and drive the adoption of best practices across the EU. The impact of these initiatives is already being felt, as many farms and food production companies embrace the Council’s principles. This transition helps reduce agriculture’s environmental footprint. It provides economic benefits, including cost savings from improved resource efficiency and enhanced soil health, while meeting the growing demand for sustainable and organic food products.

In conclusion, the Agriculture and Food Council, in collaboration with the SIERA Alliance framework, is playing a critical role in transforming the agriculture and food sectors towards a sustainable and resilient future. Its initiatives are helping align the industry with the broader objectives of the EU Green Deal, CSRD, and ESG criteria, ensuring that the sector continues to thrive while minimizing environmental impacts. As the Council continues to promote sustainable practices, it is shaping a future where agriculture and food production are key drivers of economic growth but also champions of sustainability.