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  • A prototype is generally defined as a preliminary version of a product, technology, or service that is intended to test and demonstrate its functionalities.
  • Prototyping allows the company to gather feedback from potential users and make necessary modifications to the design before launching the final product. It is an important step in the product development process, as it helps the company validate its ideas and make informed decisions about the direction of the project.
  • There are several different types of prototypes that can be used in the product development process.

These types can be classified as:

  • Concept prototypes:
    These are high-level prototypes that are used to test and evaluate the basics, or rather, the main concept or idea behind a proposed product or technology. They are typically very simple and may not include all of the features or functionality of the final product, however, these are not simply Proof of Concepts as they showcase how the final product will be featured.
  • Design prototypes:
    These are appearances and may include some of the key features and functionality of the final product, but the final functionality is not the main objective. The objective is to showcase the fit of the functionalities in the proposed appearance.
  • Functional prototypes:
    These are prototypes that are fully functional and include all the features and functionality of the final product. They are typically used to test and evaluate the usability and performance of the proposed product or technology.

Tigran Hovhannisyan
Key Account Manager, RVmagnetics
Advocate of the EU Tech Chamber

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