Write for us:

If you are passionate about topics pertaining to European and international markets, sustainable development, or have been working on developing sustainable solutions, don’t hesitate to write for us.

NOTE: All submissions will be published under the author’s byline. However, EUTECH will reserve publishing copyrights. Please learn more via the link: https://visionsforeurope.eu/copyright-disclaimer/

When submitting your articles, please, keep the below-mentioned content and editorial recommendations in mind:

Editorial Guidelines:

  • Your article will be published under one of the sections: EU Markets, International Markets, Global Impact or Tech. Advancements
  • Please feel free to choose your title but try to stay true to the Article Section’s purpose.
  • Maintain a business formal tone throughout and write in the third person
  • Make sure your content is relevant and insightful. Please, avoid including brand-promoting content
  • Submit plagiarism-free content to avoid copyright claims
  • Include references used in the article toward the end
  • Keep the article’s length between 1500 and 2000 words (2 double pages)
  • Start off with a powerful intro to pull the readers into reading your article in full
  • Use subheads frequently to break up text that should be descriptive rather than one-word subheads
  • Include quality and relevant images to break up the text.
  • Focus on the keywords Technology, Competitiveness, Growth and Sustainability
  • We’ll edit and proofread your article to align it with our in-house style

What we need from you:

  • The Article:1500 to 2000 words per article (2 double pages)
  • The High-definition photo of the author: Minimum Resolution 1920×1920 / Format JPEG or PNG
  • Full name and position of the author.
  • Company logo (if the company is an advocate of the EU Tech Chamber)